
【米国政府情報】日本国籍者へのGlobal Entry適用について

 August 1, 2023 (Tuesday)

Global Entry for Citizens of Japan | U.S. Customs and Border Protection ( 

2023年7月から米国のGlobal Entryプログラムの対象に、日本国籍者が正式に追加されました。Global Entryプログラムとは、事前承認を得ることで米国到着時の入国審査が簡略化される制度です。これまで試験的に、大使館から連絡があった方や、大使館の特設ページで申請した方のみに適用されていましたが、このたび適用範囲が日本国籍者全体に拡大されました。



申請手順 (日本国籍者)

〒 108-8255

5-5-30, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to

Inspection Coordination Department (GEP Personnel)

Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau

TEL: 03-5796-7251 (9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm)




Trusted Traveler Programs:

US Government AnnouncementGlobal Entry for Citizens of Japan


Starting July 2023, all Japanese nationals became eligible to apply for the Global Entry program administered by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Global Entry is a program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the U.S. Previously, it was only available on a pilot basis to those who received an invitation to apply from the embassy or applied through the embassy's special webpage, but now it is available to all Japanese nationals.


Overview of the Program:

*A valid visa or ESTA is still required for travel.


Application Procedure (for Japanese Nationals):

5-5-30, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to, 108-8255

Inspection Coordination Department (GEP Personnel)

Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau

TEL: 03-5796-7251 (9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm)


Please note that the details and application procedure for the program is subject to change. Please check the latest information from the U.S. government before applying.